Stefan Pietzner
Managing partner
Our competences
Welcome to our website! Take advantage of our competences and strengths for your product, from the development stage to tool and mould construction, 1K, 2K and 3K injection moulding (0.5 g up to 3,000 g injection weight) as well including in a class 7 clean room, printing (silk screen and pad printing, also hot foil embossing) component assembly and packing. We also offer the metalizing of plastics, laser and ultrasonic welding, the foaming of seals, and much more.
Orthopedics &
rehabilitation technology
Plastics technology
Electrical technology / White goods
Hybrid technology
Clean room technology
Development & design
Order printing
Packing and logistics
Component assembly
New opportunities at Meding
Medical technology according EN ISO 13485
Meding GmbH maintains a quality management system in accordance with EN ISO 13485 for the medical devices, which regulates the qualitative and legal requirements for the manufacture of medical devices
Compliance with EN ISO 13485 and (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) by Meding GmbH’s products is regularly audited and certified by TÜV Nord Cert GmbH. This provides the proof that Meding GmbH is permitted to manufacture and subsequently market medical devices.
Finally, the proof of compliance with EN ISO 13485 and (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) as demonstrated by the CE mark on the devices benefits not only our customers but also their end-users. With our defined processes in accordance with adherence to EN ISO 13485, we provide proof of the trust which is of such immense importance for medical devices.
Meding, your qualified supplier for medical technology and devices.
- Plastic-compliant development of your component and/or module
- Selection of approved materials for your application
- In-house prototypes with 3D printing
- Flexible solutions which meet your requirements
- Special tool concepts – MEDformING
- Production and assembly in class 7 clean room
- DIN EN ISO 9001
- EN ISO13485
- Assembly
- Sterile packing
- Flexible solutions which meet your requirements
- CE mark or qualification of our medical devices
- DIN EN ISO 9001
- EN ISO13485
- QM system in accordance with MDD 93/42/EEC
Everything from a single source For these items we offer everything from a single source – design, development, manufacture, assembly, packing and printing of the products.
For more than 30 years, we at Meding have supplied a wide range of cosmetic spatulas, cream cups, nail polish colour scheme testers and more – always matching your brand, whether in classic blank white, your house colour, with your label in the form of an engraving, or individually high-gloss chrome-plated or gold-plated and printed. However, if you rely on bio-plastic or solutions made of recycled plastic (up to 100%) to save resources, please contact us. .Nothing is impossible here, and if exceptionally one of the many shapes ? does not match your product, then together with you, or in cooperation with your agency, we will create a suitable product no matter whether a bottle, nail tester, spatula, cream jar or a completely new device!
Take advantage of the Meding principle for your success – fast, uncomplicated, low-cost.
We are the right partner for the development of new types of bandages, ortheses or components and modules made of plastic, metal or hybrid solutions of both materials. Does your product or its development require a lot of experience regarding the intended use, load capacity and postformability on the part of the orthopedics technician, reset force and much more? Take advantage of our more than 20 years of experience in this sector. Even for small product runs we are happy to help you by using our Meding tool concept, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
Many years of experience with plastics technology
For more than 40 years we have been manufacturing products made of almost all technical plastics, rubbery thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) with and without silicone, and duroplasts.
We turn your wishes and ideas into products, and at the same time we offer you our comprehensive know-how in the fields of construction, prototyping, the making of the pilot to the master form, series manufacture, module assembly and printing.
The most up-to-date injection moulding machines
Our modern 1K and 2K injection moulding machines from ARBURG and ENGEL (180 KN to 5.000 KN) are equipped throughout with 5-axis CNC-controlled handling or sprue removal systems.
All process parameters are recorded and documented by ARBURG-host computer system (ALS).
The machines are supplied via a central material feed unit.
Technical plastics are dried safely and gently by means of dry air dryers.
Energy-saving 365 litre dryers are available for large-volume parts. Matching conditioning equipment and material tests complete our range of services.
In addition to our in-house toolmaking department for injection moulding, we are happy to manufacture for you using your own existing tools.
Plastics technology
Among others, we process technical plastics such as:
- ABS up to 2,800 g injection weight
- PA 6 up to 3,000 g injection weight
- PC up to 2,600 g injection weight
- PMMA up to 2,500 g injection weight
Of course, we also manufacture precise microparts of 0.1 g and heavier.
Technical plastic articles

2C and 3C – the multiple-component technology
Demanding multifunctional components with diverse modular requirements are produced cost-effectively by the two- and three-component injection moulding process
Vertical injection-moulding We use vertical machines for the overmoulding of metal parts, because these machines are ideal for dealing with the mechanical or manual insertion of the component which needs to be processed.
In addition, and in the clamping force range from 500 KN to 1500 KN, we offer the option of using the ARBURG VARIO-PRINCIPLE. By using this system, the injection unit can be positioned eccentrically, so that in this way complicated article geometries can be connected economically and with the shortest possible gate path, and the moulded part can be filled cleanly and securely.
Electrotechnology / white goods
For many years we have been involved with components and modules for the electrotechnology sector.
From design to series manufacture – everything from a single source.
Take advantage of our know-how and skills! High demands made of surfaces without welded seams, heat and chemical-resistant plastics, just-in-time deliveries, and a high level of fully-automated processes – all these are everyday situations for us. In all cases, the articles in this product group are removed and stored using the most up-to-date handling equipment.
Hybrid technology
- Processing of metal and plastic in a single process chain
- Increase in added value
- Reduction in costs – no need for assembly work
- Weight reduction
- Creation of additional uses
Clean room technology in a class 7 clean room
We manufacture your high-precision components for use in medical technology in a class 7 clean room.
Take advantage of our many years of skill and knowledge coupled with the latest technologies which we use in-house for the manufacture of highly-complex plastic medical devices for your own special medical-technical application.
Of course, we carry out permanent monitoring of the clean room conditions, because these form the basis of the qualified work environment.
- Flexible solutions designed to meet your requirements
- DIN EN ISO 9001
- EN ISO13485
- CE mark
- Sterile packing
- Monitoring by means of a host computer system
Research and development
We make use not only of all the current processes and common raw materials, but also of new manufacturing methods and materials, including bio-compatible or bio-degradable plastics. In addition to the use of such materials, we also pay special attention to reducing the weight of all parts without changing the product characteristics (lightweight construction). In the lightweight construction sector we also replace metals with high-performance plastics. This is where we also offer the options of mould-flow analysis, computer-controlled component load tests, microsections and computer-tomographic tests so that we can replace heavy cast components 1:1 with plastic parts and at the same time improve the quality of the components.
We are certified according:
EN ISO 13485
Save time, expense and effort by having all services from a single source. As early as with the plastic-compatible designing and developing of components we make use of our decades of experience and also of mould-flow analysis, computer-controlled component load tests in order to create a tool mould which meets your needs in the best possible way and with which we can manufacture your products with the optimal process reliability.
Plastics and assembly-compliant design, taking into account the requirements specification, are the pre-condition for high product quality with low tool wear. This means that the design plays an important role in the life-cycle and for long-term durability of the tools.
Our experienced project team accompanies each tool from the original idea to the 3D and 2D design phase right up to the sampling phase. If necessary, the team will also prepare concept and feasibility studies. Functional processes can also be simulated. All these factors ensure the best possible degree of reliability in implementation and later series application on the customer’s premises.
You can have your prototypes or a very small batch made in five different materials. The PolyJet process which we use at Meding allows us to manufacture smooth surfaces, low wall thicknesses and movable small parts. The models are printed very accurately with a layer thickness of 28 micrometers.
Prototypes are especially important in the medical technology sector so that production errors can be excluded in advance. Our range of products comprises four opaque materials and a material with characteristics similar to those of polypropylene. The material characteristics range from rubbery to rigid, from transparent to opaque, from neutral to colourful, and from standard plastics to biocompatible plastics. Talk to us and get your prototype in up to 24 hours.
More information is available on our webpage at: www.3d-druck-suedwestfalen.de
We make the tool for you!
Working closely together with you, we develop durable moulds for consistently optimal precision and quality for the best possible product for you.
In the foreground there is always a lean and secure process which also takes conserving energy and resources during implementation into consideration.
We are always aware of our responsibility for carrying out, right from the start, the design of the product and mould in ways which are quality and price conscious – for your benefit.
- 1, 2 and 3Cmoulds
- Multiple-component tools
- Hot runner systems
- Needle shut-off systems
- Multi-cavity moulds
Fast and uncomplicated
If your developments are so fast that there is not enough time to develop and manufacture a tool, we will be happy to help you with 3D-printed tool inserts for existing Meding master moulds. In this way, and in a very short period of time, you can examine pattern samples made of the original material, install them and carry out material tests or bending and load tests. However, if you need to have a few hundred or 1,000 pieces, we can produce auxiliary moulds made of aluminium and steel in up to 7 working days.
Comprehensive advice from the very beginning. Take advantage of our decades of experience and our ability to meet your requirements. Our service ranges from development through all the stages of manufacture and assembly to just-in-time delivery right to the belt. And if an urgent deadline makes it necessary, of course we offer you the service of round-the-clock Sunday and public holiday manufacturing.
Order printing
- Film and typesetting
- Cliché and screen production
- Flat printing in screen printing
- All-round printing in screen printing
- Pad printing
- Hot-foil embossing processes
- UV colour printing
- Laser marking
Sterilization / Finishing
Following the injection-moulding of your products, we not only offer PRINTING but also our full support regarding the ready-for-sale product.
For example, in addition to the foaming of seals, the galvanizing or coating of surfaceses, we also offer lacquering or flocking. We have competent partners for this kind of work, and have worked successfully with them for many years.
For medical devices we offer sterilization by means of beta or gamma rays and ethylene oxide. Take advantage of the experience of a successful company – let us give you individual advice.
Packing & logistics
Packing singly or in multiples, stacked in accordance with your required sales packaging in a cardboard box; minigrip bag or in a flowpack – of course we are happy to carry this out for you. Intensive, tried-and-tested cooperation with qualified service providers makes problem-free dispatching possible, in addition to uncomplicated onsignment tracking via the internet.
If the customer requests it, consignments can be sent with an individual consignor. Our dispatch department will be happy to take over the complete processing and order-picking for the world-wide dispatching of goods. Just-in-time, of course!
Module assembly
Here too, of course, we also offer a wide range of services, for example the riveting, screwing, drilling, welding, soldering and packing of the parts which we manufacture. Of course, this can also include accessories which our customers have provided us with.
Pharmaceutical devices are packed and assembled in specially designed and equipped rooms, and trained personnel are available at all times to carry out these tasks.
Injection stretch blowing of bottles and jars
Stretch-blowing of bottles and pots Take advantage of the many options provide by the “direct heatcon” stretch-blowing process offered by our machine partner AOKI for use with pots, bottles or other hollow containers made of PA, PE or PET. This machine technology allows the creation of both very thin and extremely thick wall thicknesses – with improved characteristics when compared with blow-moulded items. Of course, we also deal with the construction of the tools and all downstream processes such as printing, packing or sterilization. This technology allows us to offer our customers bottles, closures and the matching dosing aid – all from a single source.